The Philippines and Its Conservative Stance on Marriage

Do you ever wonder why the Philippines has such a conservative stance on marriage? Lets discuss the Marriage law in the Philippines.

In 2011, Malta became the latest to join the rest of the world in legalizing divorce. Nowadays, there are only two holdouts left. One is Vatican City (do they even have marriages there?) and then there’s the Philippines. Yeah!, that’s right—this is one country where if you get married, there’s no way out! YIKES!.

The Modern Philippines and Liberal Views

It’s a rather strange concept when you think about it since the Philippines is considered a very modern country in many ways. Everyone has a cellphone, for example. Everyone owns a TV in the Philippines despite what you may have heard about the poverty situation here. A lot of people have cable TV, and they have DVD players as well.

Teens listen to American pop and hip-hop, while their elders are stuck on the 80s new wave and 90s alternative rock. Women wear skimpy shorts out in the streets.

Filipinos have modern views about sex actually! Now it’s no longer a scandal when people engage in sex before they get married. Among men, adultery is actually “normal” also.

marriage law in the philippines

Conservative Stance in Marriage

Most Filipinos are still conservative and you can barely notice that here. It’s very rare to find one among women not wearing a bra out in public. Most elders would tell young women not to wear a daring dress. You’ll also notice that people behave courteously towards their elders and strangers.

There’s also a difference between what’s tolerated and what’s approved. People living together outside of marriage in the Philippines is tolerated, but openly it’s is a different matter sanctioning it. And that’s what the divorce bill is all about.

Philippine Marriage and Annulment

Many Filipinos still follow the conservative stance on marriage in the Philippines and its culture. The Roman Catholic Church is against the very idea of divorce because priests and bishops feel that it’s an attack on the very idea of family. All Churches are so conservative here that the idea of condoms is tantamount to abortion, which is also very illegal here.

As of now, married couples can and do separate and find new partners. Not a good thing about that is, they can’t get remarried anymore. Anyone can get the marriage annulled and the Church agrees to this all the time, but this is a privilege granted only to the rich (because it’s EXPENSIVE !). Yes, even here, money talks.

Marriage in the Philippines

So if you have your heart set on getting married here, try to consider these things. Try to get some legal advice first. Consider also knowing the Marriage in the Philippines law and the conservative wedding stance here. Lastly, try also to get the blessing of a priest.

Everyone think of weddings as events that happen inside a church. If it’s done on the beach, then it’s just a legal procedure. This may be fun and exciting to have the wedding on the beach, but it is surely different than what they’re used to.

However, it’s probably all right if you’re a foreigner. Most people here accept that foreigners do things differently, and they don’t assume that they’ll take to all the local customs. Besides, the scenery can be a great come-on, and Filipinos always love a good reason to get together and celebrate.

It’s always a big celebration for Filipinos when it comes to weddings. Maybe that’s because they expect the marriage to be (officially) forever. And perhaps they’re right. After all, there’s no divorce in the Philippines.


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