Recently I had a chance to go aboard a Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine in the Philippines when I was out in Subic Bay. It is no secret that the Americans are back in the Philippines and they brought a whole bunch of really cool toys.

Of course, it was heavily guarded and the local cops took a bit of offense to my photo and video taking. They came over to talk to me and explain the rules about taking pictures. In the video, you will hear a bit of our conversation, but basically, they said I need to get authorization prior to taking video or photos of the submarine.
So, that’s what I did. I went on over to see if I could get aboard and take a tour.
I was able to get on the pier and get up close to the submarine. It’s about 110 meters long and weighs more than 6,900 tons when underwater.

About the Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine
This is a Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine that was at dock in Subic Bay for a port visit as part of its Indo-Asia-Pacific deployment. All of these class of submarines get their name from United States towns and cities. This class had broken the tradition of attack subs being named after creatures of the ocean.
As of late 2015, 39 subs were still in commission from this class and 23 are currently in retirement. This class has more operating nuclear submarines then anywhere else in the world.
This is particular submarine is about 20 years old and one of the last ones ever built.
You can even see where they keep the Tomahawk cruise missiles at.

Watch the Tour of This Nuclear Submarine in the Philippines
We take a tour down to the boom room…also known as the torpedo room and I show you where they launch the torpedos from. It’s amazing how these submarines work and all the resources it takes to operate them. Watch the video below to see.
What a great bunch, I really appreciate the crew taking the time to give me a tour. It is really interesting getting up close and getting looking around the submarine. I hope you enjoy it too.
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